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Federal Programs
Title I is a federal program that provides financial assistance to schools and school districts serving high numbers of economically disadvantaged children. The purpose of Title 1 is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and be proficient on challenging state academic standards and assessments.
Title III promotes student achievement by increasing the local capacity to support English language learners in attaining English proficiency and meaningfully access challenging curricular and extracurricular programs.
Wood County Schools is committed to providing support for our students who are experiencing homelessness. We understand the challenges facing homeless students and have programs in place to make certain that these students have the resources necessary to obtain a successful education.
Parents and youth experiencing homelessness should contact Wood County Schools McKinney-Vento homeless liaison, Tammy Jones, for more information.
Contact Information
Amber Hardman, Director
Laura Rogers, Business Manager
Donna Morris, Secretary
304-420-9670, Extension 135
Emerson Elementary
Fairplains Elementary
Franklin Elementary
Gihon Elementary
Jefferson Elementary
Kanawha Elementary
Madison Elementary
Martin Elementary
Neale Elementary
Van Devender Middle