Wood BOE meets Tuesday


PARKERSBURG - The Wood County Board of Education will meet Tuesday, April 11, in regular session.

The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. at the Wood County Schools Central Office at the corner of Plum and 13th streets in Parkersburg. The meeting is open to the public and will be streamed online. 

The meeting will begin with a performance from the WVMEA All State Children’s Chorus. 

Officials will announce the 2024 Wood County Schools Teacher of the Year, as well as recognize new and returning National Board Certified Teachers. The board also will recognize Wood County Schools Impactful Educators.

The board will receive presentations on world language textbooks, a supplemental bond authorizing resolution, and updates on dual credit and embedded credit programs. The board will receive updates on middle school STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) programs and accrued time for the 2022-23 school calendar. 

A full agenda can be found at www.woodcountyschoolswv.com under Our District/Board of Education/Agendas. A link to the online stream can be found under Our District/Board of Education/Virtual Link.