Wood BOE meets Tuesday


PARKERSBURG - The Wood County Board of Education will meet Tuesday, July 25, in regular session.

The meeting begins at 5 p.m. Tuesday at the Wood County Schools Central Office at the corner of Plum and 13th streets in Parkersburg. The meeting is open to the public and will be streamed online.

The meeting will begin with recognition of the Jackson Middle School Robotics Team and several Wood County Schools Heroes employee recognitions. 

Transportation employees Nathanael Morgan and Matthew Gates will be recognized as West Virginia Association of Pupil Transportation award winners at the "West Virginia's Best Tech Inspection Competition.”

The agenda includes presentations and reports on Policy 5131.1 Video and Audio Recording in Special Education Classrooms, Policy 4151.1 Personal Leave Bank Policy, a Transportation Department update, and a presentation on the recent Wood County Schools Teaching and Learning Academy.

In addition to the approval of personnel and financial items, the board will consider the appointment of a new Middle School Athletic Director. 

A full agenda can be found at www.woodcountyschoolswv.com under Our District/Board of Education/Agendas. A link to the online stream can be found under Our District/Board of Education/Virtual Link.