Jefferson Elementary Center first-grader Noah Walters looks at a bag of cherry tomatoes Monday during the WVU Extension Service’s Pop-up Farmers Market.

Farmers markets pop up at elementary schools

PARKERSBURG - Students had the chance to shop for fresh produce at Jefferson Elementary Center Monday as part of the WVU Extension Service’s Pop-up Farmers Market.

The market is made available through the extension service’s Family Nutrition Program and is funded by the Parkersburg Area Community Foundation and Children’s Home Society of West Virginia.

Each student was able to purchase $4 of produce to take home, with most items costing $1. Students could choose from a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, including peppers, cucumbers, green beans and tomatoes. 

The farmers market helps introduce children to new vegetables and fruits and is used as part of a nutritional lesson on the benefits of eating a variety of foods. 

A pop-market also took place Monday at Madison Elementary School. Both markets wrap up Tuesday but more events are planned at Wood County schools.