Setting Up Multi-Factor Authentication

What is Multi-Factor Authentication?

Multi-factor authentication for email is like having two layers of security to protect your email account.

The first layer is your password, which is something you know. It's like the key to your email account. But passwords can be guessed or stolen, so it's not always enough on its own.

The second layer is an additional step, like using your fingerprint or a special code sent to your phone. This is something you have or something you are. It adds an extra level of protection. So, even if someone guesses your password, they still can't get into your email without that second layer.

By using both the password and the second layer, it makes it much harder for unauthorized people to access your email. It's like having a double lock on your email account to keep it safe.

Am I required to use Multi-Factor Authentication?

Multi-factor authentication, often called MFA, is a security measure for logging into Microsoft 365, including your @k12 email address, when you're not connected to the school network.

You'll need to use MFA in the following situations:

  • Accessing your @k12 email from a personal computer at home

  • Using the Outlook app on your mobile phone

  • Working with any application within the Microsoft 365 suite on a device like an iPad when you're away from the school network

If you exclusively use these tools while connected to the school network, enabling MFA isn't required. However, it's strongly recommended because it adds an extra layer of security.

Getting started is as easy as one, two , three...

Begin by signing in to your Microsoft 365 account.

choose view account - image of location

Click on either your profile picture or initials in the top-right of the webpage.

Choose 'View Account'

Click 'Update info' on the security info box.

security info tab

1️⃣ Click + Add sign-in method 2️⃣ Choose 'Phone'

image of adding in MFA in microsoft 365

Enter your ten digit phone number and choose 'next.'

box to enter phone number for MFA

When prompted, enter the text code sent to your phone.

verification image of MFA registration

You're all set!

Microsoft Authenticator App for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone

The West Virginia Department of Education recommends having two ways to authenticate your account. Learn how to set up and use the Microsoft Authenticator app. Should you change phone numbers, this second option provides an alternative way to access your account.