WCS Summer School programs will operate on the normal schedule for Friday, June 18. For more information, please visit https://www.woodcountyschoolswv.com/article/481485?org=wcs
almost 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
Once again, a huge congratulations to Nick Murphy, recent graduate of Parkersburg South High School for being selected as 1 out of 161 seniors throughout the nation to receive the U.S. Presidential Scholar award. To view the WVDE press release, please click the following link. https://tinyurl.com/yh7elrzk
almost 3 years ago, Will Hosaflook
Pfizer 2nd dose Vaccine Clinics will be held for students 12 and older who received their 1st dose at their schools in May at Lincoln School in the Mobile Health Services Unit on: 6/23 for BMS, EMS and PSHS 8:30am- 4:30pm 6/24 for HMS, JMS and VMS 8:30am- 4:30pm 6/25 for WHS and PHS 8:30am- 4:30pm You should have received a time slot on your child's vaccine card. If your child did not make it home with their vaccine card, bring your child to Lincoln anytime on the date designated for her/ his school to receive their 2nd dose.
almost 3 years ago, Julie Bertram
Covid Vaccines 12+
With the 2020-21 school year wrapping up, I would just like to say “Thank You!” Thank you to everyone: Students, parents, teachers, staff and community members. Thank you to everyone who has helped others get through this often challenging and frustrating year, and thank you to everyone for your patience and resilience. Even as we head into summer break, Wood County Schools is hard at work finalizing preparations for our summer programs which are set to begin later this month. These eight programs are unlike anything we have offered before and are sure to be engaging and fun for students at all grade levels. More than 1,500 students are enrolled and more than 200 teachers and staff have been hired to help make these programs a success. Wood County Schools’ summer offerings have been called a model for the state, and we intend to show everyone why we deserve to be called the best school system in West Virginia. I want everyone to have a wonderful summer and a well-earned break. Most importantly, though, I want everyone ready for this fall. Throughout all of our challenges, we have learned and we have grown, and it is time for us to put that hard-earned knowledge to work for our students. We want to provide all of our kids with the best possible opportunities in first-class facilities staffed by top-level teachers and caring adults. So as we say goodbye to the 2020-21 school year, let us look forward to the wonderful things we can accomplish together in the months and years ahead. Thank you everyone, and have a great summer!
almost 3 years ago, Will Hosaflook
This is a reminder that Hotspots/Jetpacks provided by Wood County Schools for internet this year will be disabled beginning this evening through tomorrow. Please return the hotspot/jetpack to your child's school as soon as possible. Thank you and have a wonderful evening.
almost 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
To live stream our upcoming graduation ceremonies, please visit our website at www.woodcountyschoolswv.com For more information on our graduations, please click the following link https://tinyurl.com/yhgatg9r
almost 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
Exciting news from Wood County Schools! Off Campus Learning Options are now available for the fall. Learn more at woodcountyschoolswv.com.
almost 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
Have a loved one graduating this weekend? Watch it livestreamed at woodcountyschoolswv.com compliments of CAS Cable. Choose MENU and then GRADUATION LIVESTREAM. woodcountyschoolswv.com
almost 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
Yesterday, the FDA approved the use of the Pfizer - COVID vaccination for 12 to 15 year olds in the U.S. The West Virginia Department of Education has asked all counties to compile a list of students interested in receiving the vaccination (12 and up). Vaccinations could start as early as next week. If you are interested, please complete the following survey. Thank you. https://forms.office.com/r/WhNUycrKju
about 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
Thank you - West Virginia Department of Arts, Culture and History and many others for allowing us to be part of “Save the Music Grant”.
about 3 years ago, Will Hosaflook
The West Virginia Department of Education has asked school systems to survey our families for those interested in receiving COVID-19 vaccinations for their students 12 years old or older as well as immediate family members. Please click the following link if your family is interested in participating. https://forms.office.com/r/WhNUycrKju
about 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
As part of Teacher Appreciation Week, I want to take a moment to personally say ‘Thank You’ to all of Wood County Schools’ selfless and dedicated educators. This has been one of the most challenging school years in recent history. Our teachers have not only endured nearly impossible tasks but have risen to the challenge and have continued to place our students first. Our teachers and personnel have dedicated countless hours keeping students engaged, providing support and care to families, and giving our children a beacon of normalcy in an often turbulent and uncertain world. The work you do each day is more appreciated than you will ever know. Wood County Schools is blessed to have so many caring and dedicated teachers, and I want all of you to know: We see what you are doing and what you have done, and we are thankful you are here. Thank you for making a difference!
about 3 years ago, Will Hosaflook
Awesome job Mr. Wilson! This is absolutely amazing. Thank you for making a difference.
about 3 years ago, Will Hosaflook
Golf 3
Golf 2
Pro Shop
Golf 1
Learn more about COVID-19 vaccinations for teens. Visit woodcountyschoolswv.com for more information or reach out to your child's school nurse.
about 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
COVID-19 Vaccination for Teens
Due to great popularity, registration for Summer School Learning Opportunities has been extended through this Friday, April 23rd at noon! Learn more at https://www.woodcountyschoolswv.com/o/wcs/page/get-started-here
about 3 years ago, Eric Murphy
Do you have questions about the Pandemic WV P-EBT Card? Get started here... https://www.woodcountyschoolswv.com/o/wcs/page/pandemic-p-ebt-card-info
about 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
Wood County Schools is excited to share the news about our Summer Learning Opportunities for 2021! Registration is now open through April 16th. Learn more and get registered today! https://www.woodcountyschoolswv.com/o/wcs/page/get-started-here
about 3 years ago, Eric Murphy
Good evening. This message is for all students, 16 years old or older and their families. The WVDE has indicated that COVID-19 vaccines will be available for students 16 years old or older and their families in the very near future. If you wish for your child or children, 16 years old or older to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, please visit the Wood County Schools’ website to complete the survey, which is located on the left side of the web page in the bulletin board or click https://forms.office.com/r/QzrGiP9mM6 . Vaccines will also be available for parents and legal guardians wishing to be vaccinated. Please take advantage of this opportunity. I need to submit the number of vaccines needed to the state department by noon tomorrow. Thank you and have a wonderful evening.
about 3 years ago, Will Hosaflook
Good evening. This message is for all students, 16 years old or older and their families. The WVDE has indicated that COVID 19 vaccines will be available for students 16 years old or older and their families in the very near future. If you wish for your child or children, 16 years old or older to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, please visit the Wood County Schools’ website to complete the survey, which is located on the left side of the page in the bulletin board. Vaccines will also be available for parents and legal guardians wishing to be vaccinated. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please stay safe and healthy - Have a wonderful Spring Break!
about 3 years ago, Wood County Schools
Please take a second to view the WCS weekly newsletter. This week's newsletter highlights Summer Learning opportunities for our students. https://5il.co/qlcu
about 3 years ago, Will Hosaflook